Great resource to learn programming Swift

If you are interested in getting started with mobile development and if you like to start with iOS, I bumped into a great resource to learn Swift. There are tons of sample projects and great video walkthroughs as well as source codes of the projects you can download from GitHub.

Lessons Page:

Available on iTunesU to follow lessons on mobile devices:

Sample projects’ source codes:

Mobile simulators on cloud

I had a radical switch to iPad Pro as my primary workspace and I used that set up exclusively for 6 months. As part of my day to day work, I test a lot of features and new developments on our mobile development cycle. I uninstall and re-install and replicate a lot of weird conditions on mobile environments. It’s great to do these and relatively easy to simulate these cases with real devices but when it comes to testing Android, it gets a pretty wide range of devices and hardware/software differences. Often I test the same user behavior on 5-6 devices which is very annoying.

This could be easily me doing testing 🙂

Anyway, I was in search of doing this on the actual mobile device but replicate the other hardware and software variations but in the very cloud, remote-desktop fashion. Why there is no strong service doing this more professionally? Other than testing purposes, I really want to open and want to play with a new android OS on a real device with any resolution I want to and stream that to my existing mobile device? I would love to check out some android apps on my ios device, vice versa…

I gave a try to:

  • AWS Device Farm – their browser experience is very lagging, starting up a device takes at least 4-5 minutes (why?) and there are most of the time device initialization errors.
  • – so far, the best experience, mobile browser friendly as well, but limited virtual device variations and there is just one real device type.
  • Genymotion cloud – I haven’t got a chance to play with it since they are in their private beta.
  • Other option is to build it manually with VPN or RDP but required rooting or jailbreaking the device which is not ideal and painful to go through.

Hopefully, we’ll get there and we’ll have the option to stream apps or OSes as we do movies tv shows today…

Integration and verification of iOS In-App Purchases

 Economy models in iOS apps use In-App purchases become very popular. Lots of developers pick iOS environment because of the flawless payments through iTunes.

If you’re planning to have a monetization model in your app, it has to go through Apple system and you have to use in-app purchases. There is no other way to accept payments from your iOS apps. There are pros and cons of using Apple in-app purchases. I’ll try to explain some of them.

The biggest con is Apple takes 30% of your sale. And another con is, there are difficulties and grayed areas in the integration of in-app purchases to your app and back-end. But the pros make all even. Because delegating whole payments to Apple is gonna affect your sales because Apple makes it so seamless that it reduces all money related steps to only one confirmation box. So it changes the purchase experience and makes it what it supposed to be. Most of the checkout or payment experiences on web, faces lots of drops because of unnecessary and boring steps like putting your credit card info, trying to give the trust to user that you’re a legitimate company and have legitimate payment system that you will not sell their info out or you won’t let hackers to pick your customer info up. All those buying experience changed in iTunes payments. So this is why you should want to integrate in-app purchases. Continue reading “Integration and verification of iOS In-App Purchases”

How to display AppStore banner in your web page

If you have an app and you might want to show an app banner when you user visit your page from their mobile safari. For iOS devices, displaying appstore banner is as easy as adding a meta tag to your html page.

How To Implement To Your Website

Add this meta tag to your web page: <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=your_app_id" />

You need your app’s id (a numeric identifier) which you can get it from iTunesConnect interface.

When you add this meta tag to you page, safari handles the rest and shows the banner. In iPad, it also shows some of the screenshots of your app.